Warp Star

  • Equiv. age: late 20s
  • Height: 156cm / 5'2"
  • Favorite food: Coffee

Ancient Popstar royalty. Supposedly related to King Dedede. A serious and traditional person that tries to keep her head out of the past, but is the only source of information on ancient Dreamland. Fearful of Dark Matter and avoids interacting with Kirby as much as possible, preferring to let him think his favorite pin is just that. (She views Kirby and his past self, Nil, as the same person.) She reveals herself after post-Star Allies insanity and is more involved with Dreamland's affairs from there. She muses about the town's earlier and prosperous state, but there isn't enough manpower or resources to see it through now.

In the past, she ruled over a technologically advanced Dreamland with her brother. The peace was disrupted by a rare foreigner called "Popopo," unknowingly walking into the star's anti-Dark Matter trap. Its effects kept him for much longer than he intended to stay, though he used his time to befriend the king and Warp Star, who he even began to court. After his assault on Popstar, he took Warp Star captive and used her in his conquest of other stars. She was accidentally sealed with him for centuries by the four heroes.


  • Her physical body is the star. It appears as a hairpin hidden under her left bang.
  • She looks back on Dreamland's old rail system fondly. Ironically, she wouldn't have any use for it.

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