
  • Equiv. age: 15
  • Height: 148cm / 4'10"
  • Favorite food: Tomato

A fearless boy who loves his friends and exploring. Harbors an ego but knows less than he lets on, to the point that he can't calculate his own strength. This leads to him making as large of messes as the ones he tries to clean up. Ultimately his friendships are genuine and he always goes out of his way to protect Popstar and its people... he just expects to be thanked for it.

Kirby crashlanded on Popstar as an emotionless baby with only the Warp Star in his possession. An unusually disturbed Dedede dumped him onto Rick, Kine, and Coo, who took turns raising him. Together they rounded out his personality, at the cost of many headaches and property damage.

Dedede's roles in starving and depriving Dreamland of its dreams (Dreamland 1 and Nightmare in Dreamland) accelerated Kirby's personality development and his love for food. His poor reputation among the locals flipped after the Dark Matter trilogy and he reveled in the attention... he's craved that high since.

His Copy Ability is akin to temporary possession where he steals the skills of the target when making contact with them. He only retains skills for Abilities he likes or obtains often, like Beam, Cutter, Sword, Hammer, Parasol, Ice, and Spark.

Unbeknowst to him, Kirby is the bit of positive energy that broke off of Nil. The rest became Void Termina.


  • Kirby doesn't have to eat, so it's more like a hobby.
  • He's a heavy drinker with high resistance. He accidentally got a taste when he was young.
  • Similar to Star Warriors, he aged rapidly until he hit a certain point. Meta misinterprets this as them being the same species.

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