King Dedede

  • Equiv. age: 30s
  • Height: 184cm / 6'2"
  • Favorite food: Breakfast: omelette, entree: Roast turkey, dessert: Strawberry shortcake

Proclaimed king of Dreamland. Arrogant and annoying but imaginative and loves planning new schemes. Evidently, he hates boredom, and will host holidays and festivals just to liven up the day. He's perceptive and usually knows more than he lets on. If he doesn't, he at least has a hunch. He reacts to most things nonchalantly, with only Kirby firing him up.

He was once a regular customer of NME and ordered many monsters and servants to populate Dreamland, namely Lolo and Lala. The insane debt he accrued doing this angered Nightmare, so he traveled to Dreamland and confront him, only to be sealed in the Star Rod... and so on. Marx has since taken up the mantle in scamming the king, with inconsistent results.

He seems to have spawned in one day and hasn't aged since. His position hasn't been challenged because the residents are too relaxed. See: History in About Popstar


  • His irresponsible spending is the only reason why Nightmare in Dreamland happens, and overall brings unneccessary attention to Popstar. (He knew, he just didn't care)
  • He designated the Fountain of Dreams as off-limits.
  • He had a crush on Warp Star before.

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