Turn Up The Music Inc. - Electrocution
- Release date: 1998
- Genre: Compilation, Cover, Pop, Electronic
- Featuring: ???
- Runtime: 18 tracks, 1:07:29
An album consisting entirely of uncredited cover songs/remixes of European music. Mostly popular electronic musicians from around the release year, but then it throws in three James Bond remixes in... John Barry is English so uh sure it counts. Whatever. The mix tries to segue each song into the next, but they're clumsily timed. There are occasional obnoxious electric shock SFX to remind you of the title. Most of the remixes are just okay, but make you wish you were listening to Daft Punk's "Revolution 909" over an inferior cover. Keep in mind there was a time and place for these compilations (plug and play DJ sets?), playlists are just the way to go today.
TUTM Inc. is now known as Drew's Entertainment and still re-releases their covers in dozens of albums. It's hard to tell when they produce new works, but their albums are sold at some Walmarts under Drew's Famous.
I can't figure out who the original artist is for "In 2 Deep" and "Sweat." Worse, I enjoyed "Sweat."