Splatoon Live in Makuhari -Shioka Live-
- Release date: 7/13/2016
- Genre: Technopop, live band arrange, sound effects
- Featuring: keity.pop and Mari Kikuma (vocals), Tetsuya Oyama (arrangement), Shiho Fuji and Toru Minegishi (original composition)
- Runtime: 41 tracks, 1:09:23
CD remaster of the first Splatoon live performances, both of which were initially streamed for free on Niconico. This is only half of the CD's offerings, for the second half offers new tracks not included in Splatune, character voices for Callie and Marie, and other goodies. The lives are mastered slightly differently to capture their unique environments and make for worthwhile re-listens.
Splatoon's early days are interesting because it was an 'all eggs in one basket' deal: Nintendo strongly believed in the game's potential, and the Squid Sisters came to represent their success in addition to the series' greater themes of self-expression and the importance of the arts. They're worshipped in-game and as holograms, I'm for it :).
- MP3 provided by SittingOnClouds
- First concert (English subtitles)
- Second concert
- Japan Expo 2016 concert (English subtitles). Not represented on the album, but the first overseas concert. Different arrangements and dialogue