sasakure.UK - The Fantastic Diagram of Futuristic Playdreams
- Release date: 5/29/2013
- Genre: Electropop, chiptune
- Featuring: Hatsune Miku, GUMI, Perio (vocals)
- Runtime: 15 tracks, 53:56
What do we believe? A psuedomiracle
My all-time favorite album. Overlaps slightly with the artist's previous album, Aesop (Spider Thread Monopoly). As its title suggests, a whimsical and fantastical collection of vocal and instrumental tracks. Seriously, the instrumental tracks are great. Immerse yourself in sasakure.UK's vision of the renewed future!
The Limited Version release includes the main CD, a DVD with 7 music videos, unique illustrations for each vocal track, and an 8-page color comic about track #4, Anti-Gravities. Anti-Gravities (Calla Soiled Minus Remix) is only included in the Spotify/iTunes releases.
Photo 1 - Photo 2 - Photo 3 - Photo 4 - Photo 5 - Photo 6
- U/M/A/A Inc. listing
- Listing on sasakure.UK's website
- Official Youtube playlist
- MP3 320. I'm afraid I don't know who ripped it but I downloaded it back in 2013.