paraoka - Iku Acme training diary

  • Release date: 12/29/2008
  • Genre: Electronic, rock, drum and bass
  • Featuring: Acme Iku (vocals)
  • Runtime: 8 tracks, 26:49 (Bandcamp)

The first album to employ erotic vocal Acme Iku as a singer, by the only musician who has ever done so. Thanks to this, she is hardly comprehensible, but it is still a novel and impressive product. It's made to shock the listener through its lyrics, Iku's voice, and the awareness that a product such as Iku even exists. I think she's adorable, but most of us were exposed to her quite young.

I recommend this if you're itching to listen to something fresh and surprising. Two bonus tracks are absent from the Bandcamp release, petal-go-round(demo) being a replacement bonus. It was later completed and featured in paraoka's future album, Zenmashi.

