MAD RAT DEAD Original Soundtrack Vol.2
- Release date: 4/28/2021
- Genre: Electronic (swing, pop, house)
- Featuring: DYES IWASAKI, TOPHAMHAT-KYO, Camellia, a_hisa, Yo Oyama, Kazuya Takasu, Johngarabushi
- Runtime: 6 tracks, 25:32
Six months following the release of the GOAT, NIS issued a free update for the fans: six new tracks to play in Stage Select, a basic scoring system, an Easy Mode option that removes the timer, and the removal of the Pause Glitch. That last one is unfortunate but these features make its price more reasonable, yeah?... except that the DLC didn't make it out of Japan for another four months.
The tracks are open-ended and exhibit more of the composers' individual flavors, but provide extra volume to Mad Rat's story. TOPHAM's rap is not new, but well worth adding. My favorite is MAD LAST WORLD. Its beatmap is addicting!!
- MP3 320 rip
- NIS store listing
- 1st Anniversary website. When it was active, you could leave Mad Rat a flower of your choosing and vote on a poll for which stages you felt were most fitting for the DLC tracks.